Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hurricane Ike, I Feel you....

Okay Ike,

It's 12:19am. I REALLY FEEL YOU NOW!!!

There are five houses on my block. The lights on our block are on a different transformer than all the houses in my area. Whenever there is a power outage guess which block is the ONLY one without lights? Your's truly!

I tried to outsmart Ike. Around 10 p.m., my lights began to wink at me. I knew it was time to go. So, I gathered my things and my son and went around the corner to my cousin's house. Y-E-S! Their lights were on AND they have CABLE TV.

I took my shower, started my laptop, turned on Anderson Cooper (CNN)and headed for the kitchen to fix a pressed ham sandwich.

You know what Ike? You don't play fair!!! The lights went out!

Nooooooooooooooo!! I WANT MY CNN! I WANT MY ANDERSON COOPER! Ike said, "So what?"

My cousin's house is boarded up, which means if she opens the windows we wouldn't be able to feel any wind. I decided to go home. Sounds kind of childish, huh? I felt kind of bad leaving her. I tried to get her to join me but she said she'd stay home.

I don't know how long I will have lights. The good thing is, if I lose power, at least I can go old school on Ike by opening my windows and allowing God to breathe on me, my son, and my dog, Jo-Jo.


"No weapon formed against me shall prosper." *** Isaiah 54:17 ***

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